Oceanbird Concept

What is

The Oceanbird concept?

The Oceanbird concept shows that it is possible to reduce emissions from vessels by up to 90% if all emissions-influencing factors are aligned. These conclusions are based on data simulations as well as physical tests, for example wind tunnel test, model testing in open water and water tanks and Lidar measurements. The Oceanbird concept was developed in a three-year Swedish R&D project team consisting of Wallenius Marine, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and SSPA/RISE and supported by Swedish Transport Administration.

When the Oceanbird concept is brought into the reality of commercial logistics systems, there are several challenges to consider, such as inflexible arrival time at ports and the environmental impact of longer crossings in a slower speed would have on the size of the world fleet. Still, with these factors taking into consideration, we see a significant emission reduction on the first vessels from the Oceanbird concept.

With the concept as a solid foundation – Oceanbird is taking two tracks to achieve a shipping revolution: Reducing a lot on a few and even more from a lot.

Why do

We need to move an industry?

Shipping is an energy-efficient way of transporting goods. Despite this, shipping needs to become more sustainable. Maritime transport emits around 940 million tonnes of CO2 annually and is responsible for about 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions, even more than airplanes. If the industry was a country, it would be the sixth biggest polluter, above Germany.

These emissions are projected to increase significantly if mitigation measures are not put in place swiftly. If we continue business-as-usual, the emissions will increase with 50%-250% by 2050, according to International Maritime Organisation (IMO). Therefore, IMO has set a goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 40 percent per transport work from international shipping by 2030 compared to 2008. Oceanbird want to take de-carbonisation one step further, by contributing to changing, updating, and remodeling an entire industry.

Cuts air and sound pollution

Besides from reducing air emissions, Oceanbird will also decrease underwater sound pollution. The Oceanbird vessels would be far quieter in the water, since it will be less sounds from generators or engines but propeller cavitation. This will mean a lot for whales and other marine mammals which depend on hearing for navigation, reproduction and finding food. Read more in this blog post about underwater sound pollution: New guidelines to protect giant climate heroes.

Early sketch Oceanbird

How it started

Oceanbird started as a concept for wind-powered shipping, and has evolved into a company for developing the wing sails. However, the partnerships formed during these early years, are still strong and continues in new forms.

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Foundation is out by the sea

The 100-ton prototype foundation is now standing by the sea in Landskrona. The next step is to install the steel mast and the aerodynamically shaped…

It tilts!

For us, it is crucial that the Oceanbird wing sail always can be tilted down on deck. That was why our Site Manager Björn Ohlsson…